Dear First Gen,
As a First Gen, I like to triple check that my next step is based on facts and assurances, but some decisions need only faith. I started this blog by leaping and without knowing the specifics of the schools that would support it and students who would rely on the information. Now, the blog has evolved into highlighting outstanding First Gens, guest posts from First Gens, challenges, a book and audiobook, speaking engagements, and much more to come. In the spirit of living beyond your wildest dreams, I encourage you to "leap, and the net will appear." Best of Luck! Fellow Riser, Irnande ​***Disclaimer: 2019. All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. No reproduction of any content on the website without the express permission of the author. The text, pictures and videos are the sole property of FirstGenRise.