Dear First Gen,
Welcome to Summer! It has been a long winter on the #EastCoast and finally the warm weather has arrived. During that time, you put in long hours in the classroom and now you desire to be outdoors. You deserve it! But, wait, the summer months should be another opportunity to RISE! When I was in school, non-first gens participated in one of the three options to have a #LitSummer:
The video below goes into detail on how each one could work in your favor to bring you closer to rising sooner and quicker. Click play! Fellow Riser, Irnande ***Disclaimer: 2018. All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. No reproduction of any content on the website without the express permission of the author. The text, pictures and videos are the sole property of FirstGenRise.
Dear First Gen, When you decide to go to #lawschool, there are a lot of expectations. You’re obviously expected to excel in law school, but you are also expected to obtain internships and, ultimately, a job. Securing an #internship is vital to your professional success, and of course so is getting that job after graduation. To make the most of your meetings with your #careercounselor, you should have your list of questions ready in advance. The following set of questions is a good starting point.
My hope for you is that your career counselor will provide you all the details you need to help you find the internships and job opportunities that are the best fits for you. If a career counselor seems unsure of what you're asking or doesn't seem to be a good fit, don't be afraid to make an appointment to speak to another career counselor or the head of the career office. Good luck! Fellow Riser, Irnande ***Disclaimer: 2017. All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. No reproduction of any content on the website without the express permission of the author. The text, pictures and videos are the sole property of FirstGenRise. Dear First Gen,
Summer is officially here! Many businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits hire interns to help them during the summer, and it is most certainly an invaluable experience. I have had my fair share of internships/externships before I obtained full-time employment in 2012. My internship experience extends beyond the standard one-page resume! Over the next few months, my blog posts will touch on the various ways to make the best of your summer break as well as the start of your (first) job. Click on the video to find out what is in store for you this summer. Tell me: What do you want to learn more about this summer? Dear First Gen,
The Tuesday after Memorial Day is often the start date for many internships, externships, or any other experiential opportunities where you are placed in a professional or business setting. During this important week, it may serve you to know some professional etiquette for written correspondence with your supervisor, fellow intern/extern, or anyone else you are communicating with. As early as middle school, we were taught the difference between a business letter and a personal letter, and much of those lessons stand true today. But there’s always room for adjustment. Personally, it took me a few attempts to decide on the salutation and signature that was both proper and fitting of my personality. Every so often, I switch my greeting and sign-off depending on the recipient, i.e. a judge, legislator, dignitary, or colleague. Here are a few suggestions: |