Dear First Gen, I attended law school out-of-state and in my final year, I made the decision to return home and sit for the #MarylandBarExam. I began making arrangements to sign up for the bar prep course and move back home. It could have been risky move—I had sold everything I owned from my apartment, but I didn’t really have any contacts to help me find a job. There are four key strategies that I implemented, which most likely helped me find employment within 2 months of the #barexam.
This is short list of the approaches you can use when you want to get the ball rolling on meeting people to help you find a job in the state you are licensed in, but may not have any contacts or have graduated from an out-of-state law school. Implementing any of these suggestions will require work and patience, but the reward is worth it! Fellow Riser, Irnande ***Disclaimer: 2017. All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. No reproduction of any content on the website without the express permission of the author. The text, pictures and videos are the sole property of FirstGenRise.
Dear First Gen, I told you in my last post about my journey to healing. But some of you may be saying, “Am I allowed to heal? Am I allowed to feel hurt?” This is something I struggled with for years. And my fellow first gens, I believe you and I have every right to feel hurt, but also every right to seek #healing. But just as we've battled other #hardships, there will always be others who tell us we have no right to feel hurt. Some say that if we do not like it here, we should go home. How is that so if we were born here or escaped to #America for refuge? America is our home. We are home! For more than 30 years I have been living under a veil and recently it was removed from my eyes. My intimate circle is nothing like what I have seen in the news recently. When I hosted a launch party for my blog, the friends who came to support me came from different backgrounds, and I am proud to call them my #circleofinfluence. When I hear harsh words from people that seek to diminish the value and beauty of multiple races and ethnicities to only leverage their own, it shocks me because when I look at my first gen community, we are so much more than our complexions. What is more alarming is that the hurt and pain we feel from these images and statements are often silenced. We are not given the right to feel hurt, to work through the pain, or to heal. We are told, “If you don't like it, go home.” Below is a video on my authentic, vulnerable perspective on the topic of #immigrants in America. First gens, this is our home. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. #celebratefirstgen ***Disclaimer: 2017. All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. No reproduction of any content on the website without the express permission of the author. The text, pictures and videos are the sole property of FirstGenRise. |